ACT Meeting Notes 5/7/2014

Art for Community Transformation
A.C.T. Meeting Agenda for 5/7/2014

Called to Order at 2:38 by Rose.

Nabor Valle, Michael Lee, Laura West (Advisor), Samantha Riden (Sec.), Danielle Mayer (Pres.) Rose Presto (VP)
Action: Motioned to approve minutes from 4/30/14 – Michael/Rose/Carried

Treasure Report: Total in account: $1,191.24 in two accounts: $639.41 free for club use, $549 for charity projects. Michael deposited $570 in donations and tickets for the bus. We are receiving $250 from ASG allocation toward bus costs. Also, Dot has donated $100.

ICC Report: – Danielle – Pending

Old Business:

Item 1: Bus trip Update: We’re getting a 40 seat bus. There are 29 confirmed people, with 11 spots still available. Arrive early for good seats. Bus leaves at 8:00

Item 2: Mini Grants: The club will be able to use the new 3d printer, and will receive filament.
Motion to approve $50 3d printer purchase by Rose/Michael/Carried.

Item 3: Ronald McDonald House: Waiting on Denise for a new time and day.
We’re hoping for Friday the 16th, Laura will follow up.

Item 4: Photo workshop: Attendees will be accepting donations and cans/bottles, and will take a list of guests. The event will be held in room T403 at 6:00 pm.

New Business:

Item 1: ASG: Need to print out minutes from this semester. Because we received the allocation, we should volunteer to attend Ram Slam for at least three hours. Ram Slam will take place May 13, 14, 15, and 17 from 6:30pm – 10:30pm. There will be free drinks, snacks, scantrons, and pencils. The purpose of the event is to provide the student body with the environment that is necessary for them to be successful during finals testing.

Item 2: Art night: Next Wednesday after the meeting. Members bring movies, or Laura will provide.
Motion to reimburse Nabor for pizza up to $40 dollars, and for drinks up to $10. Rose/Michael/Carried.

Motioned to adjourn at 3:33 by Sam/Michael/Carried
Submitted by: Samantha Riden
Approved on:

Reminder! Only 15 seats still available!

I have so far sold fourteen seats on the bus.  This is a reminder to each of you that we need to try and sell as many as we can – I would like for us to sell at least thirty seats (I think we can actually sell more – but we must make sure we announce them in our classes – especially arts classes).  This is a reminder to please do your best at this!  Send me a text for each seat you sell – that way I can keep track.

If each of you can sell two seats, we will be in good shape!