ACT Bylaws

The Constitution of FCC Art for Community Transformation (ACT)


Section 1 The name of this organization shall be FCC Art for Community Transformation (ACT) of Fresno City College.

Section 2 The purposes of this organization are to provide people with opportunities for association and interaction with art, to provide an environment that will stimulate the creativeness of people, to create interaction and a network of people to work together in the interest of art, and to express the value art has to society.

Section 3 This organization is recognized by Fresno City College and adheres to all regulations as set forth in the Handbook for Student Organization.


Section 1 Membership in this organization shall not be denied to any student of Fresno City College on the basis of race, creed, religion, sex, political affiliation, or physical handicap.

Section 2 There shall be two types of membership in the organization: Voting and Supporting.

Section 3 Voting membership is limited to regularly enrolled students at Fresno City College who actively attend meetings.

Section 4 Supporting membership will be issued to persons that are not regularly enrolled students at Fresno City College, or cannot regularly attend meetings due to school or work schedule.

Section 5 Any eligible person who completes and signs a membership application shall be deemed a regular member upon filing of the application with the secretary.

Section 6 Any member may be suspended or expelled from the organization for conduct obviously contrary to the Constitution of the organization or for conduct which grossly impairs the rights of members to enjoy the benefits of the organization. The alleged offense must be in writing and submitted by a member to the organization’s board. After the alleged offense has been submitted to the organization, the accused member shall have a right to a hearing before the organization at a regular meeting and may be suspended or expelled only upon the affirmative vote of three-fourths of the voting members present. The accused member has the right to appeal an adverse decision at a regular meeting, and the accused member shall be reinstated unless the suspension or expulsion is again approved by three-fourths vote.

Section 7 Any member removed by such a vote may file a grievance with the College Student Grievance Board by first contacting the Dean of Students Office. A member of the Dean’s staff will review the procedures with the student.


Section 1 The elected officers of the organization shall be the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and others as deemed necessary (see provisions for amending). The elected officers shall be recognized as the Executive Board.

Section 2 Powers and Duties of Officers.

A. The President shall preside at all meetings of the organization. He/She shall be the official spokesperson of the organization, representing the policies, views, and opinions of the organization in its relations with the campus and community at large. He/She shall have such further powers and duties as may be prescribed by the organization.

B. The Vice President shall preside at the organization meetings in the absence of the President. He/She shall perform all legal duties assigned by the President. He/She shall notify all members of the organization meetings.

C. The Treasurer shall handle all financial affairs and budgeting of the organization, maintaining all necessary accounting records. Said records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. He/She shall maintain bank accounts in the organization’s name, requiring signatures of both the Treasurer and the President for authorized disbursements. All disbursements in excess of $100.00 require the majority approval of the organization.

D. The Secretary shall take minutes at all meetings of the organization, keep these on file, and submit required copies to all organization members. He/She shall be responsible for all organization correspondence and shall keep copies thereof on file. He/She shall also act as historian and shall maintain all records of the organization.

Section 3 Qualifications necessary to hold office in this organization are as follows:

A. Must have been a voting member of the organization for a minimum of one semester. Or, if no others qualify, was previously enrolled at least one semester at FCC.

B. Must be carrying a minimum of 5 units a semester at Fresno City College and have a cumulative grade point average of no less than 2.0.

C. Must be a paid member of ASG.

Section 4 Petition by one-third of the total number of members shall be cause for a recall election. The offense must be in writing and submitted by a member. After the offense has been submitted to the organization, the offending officer has 48 hours before the hearing. A recall election shall be held at the next regular business meeting after the presentation of the recall petition and shall be conducted as a special election. Recall will require a favorable vote of three-fourths of the total voting membership.

Section 5 In the event that an elected officer is unable to fulfill his/her term of office, there shall be a special election to fill the vacancy. Any eligible member, including those already holding office, may be nominated for the vacant office. No officer may hold two positions on the board during the same term. If an officer already holding office is elected he/she must vacate their previous position on the board.


Section 1 Regular meetings shall be scheduled at least bi-monthly during the academic year.

Section 2 Special meetings may be called by any elected officer of the board or by 5% of the voting members of the organization. All members must be given a minimum of 24 hours notice, weekend and holidays excluded, prior to the meeting time.

Section 3 Business cannot be conducted unless a quorum of the membership is present. A quorum for this organization if defined as 50% plus 1 of the voting members.

Section 1 Officers are elected once a semester. Elections are held at the start of each semester and shall take place at the second regularly scheduled meeting of the organization at which a quorum is present.

Section 2 At least one week’s notice shall be provided for any meeting at which an election is to be held.


Section 1 An individual employed on a more than half-time basis by Fresno City College will serve as advisor to this organization as required by College guidelines.

Section 2 The advisor(s) shall serve a term of one year and will be selected at the same time as the officers of the organization.

Section 3 The advisor(s) may be removed from office by two-thirds vote of a quorum of the membership at a regularly scheduled meeting. A minimum of seven days notice must be given prior to such a vote.


Section 1 This organization has the ability to assess the membership. Assessments shall be determined by a quorum of the membership annually at a regularly scheduled meeting.


Section 1 Proposed constitutional amendments or changes shall be presented to the organization, in writing, one meeting before it may be voted on.

Section 2 Approval by all of the voting members present at the meeting shall pass a proposed change. The change shall be put into effect immediately unless otherwise stipulated in the amendment.

Section 3 A copy of any alteration to this document must be filed in the College Activities Office at Fresno City College.


Section 1 In the event the FCC Art Club should become defunct, all assets will be turned over to the Friends of Art of Fresno City College.


Section 1 The FCC Art for Community Transformation (ACT) is an independent student organization recognized by Fresno City College and has no affiliation to any other organizations.


Section 1 The FCC Art for Community Transformation (ACT) accepts courtesy, common sense, and Artistic License as its rules of order.

Section 2 Any issue not directly spoken to in this document will be resolved by referring to the Rules of Order.

Section 3 The FCC Art for Community Transformation (ACT) is a consensus based club; discussion continues until consensus is reached or the motion will be dismissed (except if otherwise noted).

Section 4 An interim President will be elected at the end of the semester.

This Constitution was written is accordance with the Fresno City College Inter-Club Council regulations as of 1996 for student organizations.

Amended April 12, 2012

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